Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics©

Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics© Assessment and Training
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Oprah Winfrey on CBS This Morning discussing her 60 Minutes Story about Child Trauma with Dr. Bruce Perry (March 2018)



 What is the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics©?

  • The NMT™ was developed by Dr. Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. who founded the Neurosequential Network and Child Trauma Academy in Houston, TX
  • The NMT™ as featured on 60 Minutes by Oprah Winfrey, and Dr. Perry and Oprah Winfrey’s 1# NYT Bestselling book, What Happened to You? is rapidly gaining recognition as an approach to working with children, families and communities impacted by trauma
  • The NMT™ is a comprehensive assessment process which is used to determine which approaches will best address the impact of trauma on brain development 
  • Download a more detailed description of the NMT™ here

Who Is Helped by the NMT™?

  • Youth, their families, and individuals who want to better understand:
    • What happened to them,
    • Why it makes sense that they have their unique strengths and needs
    • Specific strategies that can help them with their recovery  
  • Youth with significant trauma who do not respond well to traditional “talk therapy” approaches   
  • Families and providers working with youth who feel frustrated by the persistence of challenges with self regulation and relational challenges despite treatment. 
  • Foster and adoptive families often find the NMT™ assessment process is supportive and validating of their experiences, knowledge and challenges
  • Case workers, schools, social workers, therapists working with youth who want to better understand the impact of trauma on their functioning

How Does the NMT™ Help?  

  • The NMT™ focuses on 4 Areas of Brain Functioning as part of it’s assessment process:
    • Sensory Integration
    • Self Regulation
    • Relational Functioning 
    • Cognitive Functioning 
  • Using a “low resolution, wide angle” approach, the NMT™ provides a “Brain Map” that indicates the level of functioning in each of the above areas
  • A key part of the NMT™ is education about how the brain works – in particular the “Sequence” in which the brain develops – which informs the sequence in which treatment should follow in order to be effective.
  • NMT™ works to figure out what kinds of activities will be most helpful for building capacity in each of the above 4 areas of the brain and then builds a plan to increase these activities in daily life.  
To Learn More about the NMT™ Approach, Please see the videos below where Dr. Bruce Perry describes several key NMT™ concepts in brief (10 min) teaching sessions.
The Human Brain
Threat Response Patterns
State Dependent Functioning
Sensitization and Tolerance

Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics© Assessment Process:


Introductory Meeting  (1 Session):

  • Meet with parents / caregivers / youth and/or providers to talk about the referring issues
  • Discuss and answer questions about the NMT™ consultation process

NMT Assessment Process:  (Varies but Average of 3-4 Sessions)

  • Meet briefly with youth and family together
  • Gather comprehensive neuro-developmental history and current CNS functioning from parents / guardians / caregivers
  • Provide information support and suggestions to assist parents and caregivers in further understanding and working with their child

Collateral Consultation:  (Phone Calls or Report Reading)

  • Consult with other providers / school to gather further assessment information

Write Assessment, Generate Brain Map / Metric Report, Write Interpretation of the Metric Report 

Follow Up / Recommendations Review:   (1 Session)

  • Meet with parents / caregivers / youth and / or providers
  • Review and discuss NMT™ Brain Map / Metric report and recommendations based on report
  • Strategize around implementing recommendations.

30 Day Follow Up / Implementation Review:   (1 Session)

  • Assess barriers and progress to implementing NMT™ informed interventions / recommendations
  • Adjust follow up plan as needed

Follow Up Sessions as Needed (Ongoing)

Consultation with Schools and Providers as Needed (Ongoing)

Fees / Reimbursement:


  • I accept insurance for all sessions provided I am in network or you have out of network coverage
  • Sessions are billed as family therapy, family consultation, agency consultation, individual therapy, and parent support and guidance


Report Fees:  I offer two options for the History Report I write up based on your child’s history 

  1. Comprehensive History Report – a very detailed narrative of the client’s history of Adverse Experiences and Relational Buffers from pregnancy to the present.  Families often find this extremely helpful to avoid having to “repeat the story” of their child’s life “over and over again” with new providers or schools etc.  This report takes several hours to write and is not billable to insurance.  Cost:  $200.00
  2. Abbreviated History Report – this report is a bullet-point style summary of Adverse Experiences and Relational Buffers from pregnancy to present.  This report is also helpful but much less detailed.   Cost:  Free 


Private / self pay rates:

  • $1200 for all sessions / services up to and including the 30 day follow up consultation.
  • $140 / hour for follow-up sessions beyond the 30 day consultation


“Kindness, compassion and inclusivity” 

Stephen was one of the best trainers that I have worked with to date. His handle of the information, his attention and attunement to the group, his technology skills, and the incredible wealth of resources he gathered and shared are just some of the highlights from this workshop. But above all, his kindness and compassion and inclusivity makes him a someone that I wanted to learn from and looked forward to being in a zoom room with each and every session! THANK YOU, Stephen! I will miss this training time together!


MCPCC KidsNet Core Concepts Trainee 2022

“Exactly what foster parents and social workers need” 

“What he teaches should be included in MAPP trainings and given to social workers.  I just wanted to say this presenter is worth his weight in gold and to thank you for allowing us foster parents the chance to learn from him. He is exactly what foster parents and social workers need.”


Foster Parent Participant 2022 Fall KidsNet Neurosequential Model Series

Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics© Core Concepts

  • I specialize in teaching and training in the NMT™ Core Concepts – the foundational conceptual framework that the NMT™ Assessment is built on.  These concepts as developed by Dr. Bruce Perry include:
    • Sensitization and Tolerance;
    • State-Based Functioning;
    • Threat Response Heterogeneity;
    • Sequential Development and Processing
    • Relational Neurobiology and Attachment 
  • I have a particular emphasis on applying these core concepts and frameworks when understanding intergenerational and community traumas including:
    • Racism
    • LGBTQIA Oppression
    • Misogyny and Sexism
    • Other forms of oppression
  • Population and site specific applications:
    • Adoption
    • Foster Care 
    • Residential 
    • Intensive Home and Community Based
    • Wraparound



“Easy to digest and put into use”
Stephen Bradley is an adept, engaging presenter. He makes the NMT concepts, based on Bruce Perry’s work, easy to digest and to put into use.  He is adroit at thinking in the moment, employing metaphor, drawing connections between the material, the work with families and “real life, and responding to questions.  He easily adjusts to the needs of his audience.  Stephen puts the principals of the NMT model to use in the training, and engages participants in useful exercises.  I highly recommend Stephen as a trainer.


Nancy Solow, LICSW - Adoption Journeys - Massachusetts

Teaching and Training Testimonials

“Included issues of social justice thoughtfully”

Stephen is a fantastic instructor. He is very engaging and makes class fun, even on zoom! He included issues of social justice thoughtfully and was attentive to class dynamics and the effect of language in discussions of social oppression. The powerpoints were incredibly helpful in really digesting the course concepts

Smith School for Social Work MSW Student 2020

“Responsive to Participants’ Needs and Questions”

What a great instructor! So relevant and responsive to the participants needs and questions……….having the practical applications was excellent!……….I appreciated the ability to implement core concepts in my practice and access follow up information………….I appreciate Stephen’s enythusiasm for the content and his expert knowledge.

Smith School for Social Work Professional Development Core Concepts Trainee - Summer 2021

“Will absolutely be using in my career moving forward”

This class was an incredible new way to think about trauma, particularly focusing on the neurodevelopment of the brain. I enjoyed the new treatment and intervention models that I will absolutely be using in my career moving forward.  I felt as though the group activities really cemented my learning, and I appreciated Stephen’s knowledge on the subject as well as his openness with discussing difficult topics and answering many questions.

Smith School for Social Work MSW Student 2020

“Very well put together.”

“Very well put together. One of the best speakers/presenters that I’ve had the pleasure of listening to / learning from.”

Professional Workshop Core Concepts Participant 2019

“Easy to listen to and learn from….”

“Stephen was a great presenter he is easy to listen to and learn from. I really enjoyed the hands-on activities and brain booster cards. I also appreciated the numerous resources Stephen shared with us. I look forward to implenting what I’ve learned today into my everyday encounters with youth. Thank you!”

Professional Workshop Core Concepts Participant 2019

“Very clear presentation….”

“Very clear presentation of enough information to summarize concepts of NMT, put some recommendations into my work, and peak interest to learn more”

Smith SSW Professional Development Webinar Participant 2019

“Explained material in an easy to grasp manner….”

“Incredible expertise and an engaging teaching style. Explained material in an easy to grasp manner, assignments and readings were fascinating and valuable.”

Smith School for Social Work MSW Student 2019

“I learned SO MUCH….”

“[I learned] SO MUCH. Trauma overall, NMT model, brain maps and metrics, neurodevelopmental stages, stress responses, dissociation, hyperarousal, state-based functioning, critiques of NMT, sensori-motor engagement, clinical interventions, caregiver relationships, relational buffering, and so much more.”

Smith School for Social Work MSW Student 2019

“Well attuned to issues of oppression and identity….”

“I also enjoyed the lectures, especially the neurobiologically focused ones. The professor remained well-attuned to issues of oppression and identity, which was useful modeling for me as a white cis- hetero male.”

Smith School for Social Work MSW Student 2018

“A great job of incorporating many different modalities of learning….”

“The concrete tools and practice focus of the class was very helpful, and the instructor did a great job of incorporating many different modalities of learning into the teaching process. Role plays were helpful, activities and small group discussion were also great.”

Smith School for Social Work MSW Student 2018

“It has changed my outlook and identity as a social worker…”

“Professor Bradley showed us a whole new way of looking at the work we do with children and families, and it has changed my outlook and identity as a social worker.”

Smith School for Social Work MSW Student 2018

“Practical and effective steps to support [clients’] healing”

“From the beginning Prof. Bradley integrated the need and importance of thinking about our social locations and how to be mindful of them as we move into this work. I enjoyed the experiential aspect of the course and how through it, I was able to better understand some of the challenges of my past and future clients and practical and effective steps to support their healing.”

Smith School for Social Work MSW Student 2017

“I was deeply engaged….”

“I was deeply engaged in the work of this class, specifically the experiential learning. I appreciated the breadth of knowledge this course offered me.”

Smith School for Social Work MSW Student 2017

“Well versed on the importance of cultural humility”

“Professor Bradley is a social justice advocate and his understanding of community and the role that oppression, racism, poverty has on families. He was well versed on the importance of cultural humility, and respecting as well as learning about our families and their environment to include culture, heritage, and traditions. He reminded us that we should be curious and aware of our own biases when working with families to avoid stereotyping.”

Smith School for Social Work MSW Student 2017

“Incredibly comprehensive and tangible”

“I found his instruction to be incredibly comprehensive and tangible. He was passionate about the content and brought in case examples, as well as providing students opportunity to bring in their own work, that was not only applicable, but touched on a variety of experiences and diverse identities, with attention to oppression.”

Smith School for Social Work MSW Student 2016

“Dynamic, engaging and helpful”

“Stephen’s teaching integrated (“many ways of learning/knowing”) style is what made this class so dynamic, engaging, and helpful. I loved the films, power points, hands-on activities, small and large group discussions, and role plays and mixing it up between these ways of learning is what made me do well and remember content.”

Smith School for Social Work MSW Student 2016

The Neurosequential Network acknowledges that Stephen J. Bradley LICSW, LMHC has completed NMT Training Certification through the Phase III/Mentor level. For more information on NMT Training Certification and the NMT Assessment Process, click here.